Caregiver Training in Dubai
Increase in globalisation and in our modern society, it is a growing need that someone can take care of the infants, toddlers, elderly, sick or mental stress disorder people. In accordance to this growing need, NLP Tech Training Center has introduced a Certified Caregiver Course, certified by CPD UK. An individual acquires a training of taking care of an individual in their residence. A professional caregiver will be trained for difficult/stressful situations and can handle it carefully.
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NLP provides you with sessions and full training course.
Increase in globalisation and in our modern society, it is a growing need that someone can take care of the infants, toddlers, elderly, sick or mental stress disorder people.
Training hours 40 with including hours for theory, practicals, assignments, exam
Theory sessions: Topics for Self Study Modules and to attend exams and assessments.
- Care and support to toddlers and infants.
- Care and support to children.
- Foster the social, creative, intellectual, and emotional development of children. (including child development, understanding childhood in its various stages, reading to children, planning activities for the children of different ages, etc.).
- Foster the physical development of children.
- Care and support to elderly with procedures (including assisting in mobility, understanding the aging process, mental health issues, personal hygiene, and assisting someone who is dying)
- Care and support to people with special needs
- Healthy and safe environment/ Infection Control/ Fire and Safety
- Household Management (Living rooms, dining rooms, bedrooms, toilets, bathrooms, and kitchen)
- Nutrition and Food Preparation (Hot and cold meals).
- Professionalism at workplace.
- Massages like Therapeutic massage.
- Vital signs taking and skin tests.
- Respond to emergencies like Ambulance CPR/First Aid Training.
- Dementia Awareness.
Theory – Self Study Modules and must attend exams and assessments.
- Care and support to infants and toddlers.
- Care and support to children.
- Foster the social, intellectual, creative, and emotional development of children. (Child development, including understanding childhood in its various stages, planning activities for the children of different ages, reading to children, etc.).
- Foster the physical development of children.
- Care and support to elderly. (including understanding the aging process, assisting with mobility, personal hygiene, mental health issues, and assisting someone who is dying).
- Care and support to people with special needs. (developing awareness of the causes and consequences of the accidents and diseases that cause disability and the care that may be required).
- Healthy and safe environment/ Infection Control/Fire and Safety
- Household Management (Living rooms, dining rooms, bedrooms, toilets and bathroom).
- Nutrition and Food Preparation (Hot and cold meals).
- Professionalism at work place.
- Therapeutic massage.
- Vital signs taking.
- Respond to emergencies – Ambulance CPR/First Aid Training.
- Dementia Awareness.